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Detailed Membership Features
Over 8,700 Models
The BreyerHorseRef database contains over 8,700 models with detailed information like size, mold, color, model number, variations plus a lot more information with high quality pictures.
Advanced Search System
Search models using an advanced search system that provides many search filters and options.
Your Own 'In Search Of' List
Build a tailored list of models you are 'In Search Of' using data directly from the BreyerHorseRef Website.
Your Own 'Private Collection' List
Create your own 'Private Collection' using data directly from the BreyerHorseRef website. This Includes notes that you can maintain yourself, such as cost and condition.
Your Own 'Horse Showing' List
Create your own personal show string list using data directly from the BreyerHorseRef website with the ability to add tailored information such as your Horses' Show Name, Breed and Gender.
PDF and CSV Exports
Easily print or export model details and your lists in PDF and Excel Formats. Use this data for your own personal Inventory and Insurance documentation, or easily share your collection information with Family and Friends.